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Help Support Know Your Why

Hey everyone. First off, thank you for your support so far these past two and a half years.

Although Know Your Why is not registered as a non-profit yet, it does not sell any product, bring in an income, receive any type of compensation, or turn a profit in any way. The people who help make Know Your Why possible and keep it running do so without payment and on their own time.

However, to keep know Your Why alive and running, there are recurring costs involved—web hosting, domain name, and security amongst other miscellaneous costs. Know Your Why also has a vision of growth including podcasts, publications, advertising for visibility, and direct contributions to mental health and addiction programs/charities.

We humbly ask that if you enjoy Know Your Why, want to see us grow, and want to help us continue to spread a positive message of health, recovery, and wellness that you consider contributing. Your support will immediately help us defer costs and keep the site and movement alive. Any amount will help and be appreciated.

If you can’t support us financially or are unsure but would like to learn more, visit us on our various platforms. Any like, comment, or share is greatly appreciated and equally important as any financial support.

Thank you in advance. To help support Know Your Why Recovery please visit our GoFundMe.

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