Read below for some information and links to valuable self care resources and fact sheets that are great during a public health emergency (and other times as well!)
The following links are brought to you by the MHTTC Network, specifically the Northeast and Caribbean MHTTC. The MHTTC Network (and also the ATTC Network) are collaborative networks that aim at workforce development, resource development, and technical assistance for those in the mental health and addictions field. One of their goals is to to help bring evidenced based practices into the treatment field and normalize their use. Their websites contain more information, resources, trainings for professionals, and links to their regional groups. Though targeting professionals, consumers and loved ones of those in a recovery journey can also benefit from their hard work.
Fact sheet-Taking Care of Yourself During A Public Health Emergency
Fact sheet-Tools For Behavioral Heath Professionals During A Public Health Emergency
Fact Sheet-Support Strategies for Supervisors and Providers During COVID-19
Don’t forget you can visit their site for additional information and resources, as well as, links to the regional groups that have their own set of resources.
-Chris Dorian, founder of Know Your Why Recovery