When browsing Reddit we came across a novel site-WorryMuncher. WorryMuncher invites you to share a current worry you are carrying and through some inspirational messages and animations, encourages you to let it go. So simple, yet appeared to be loved by those who came across it we reached out to its creator to learn more. Check out WorryMuncher and if you would like to learn more about it read below.
WorryMuncher was created by Ayush Narula, or developeron29 on Reddit (you can also visit on Twitter). Ayush developed WorryMuncher because “I wanted to help people who are dealing with anxiety and help brighten their day. I also wanted people to start their day afresh, leaving behind everything that’s holding them down.” Ayush is avid meditator who is no stranger to fully experiencing the ups and downs of life. Ayush believes living a happier, joyful life is possible fo reveryone. Ayush also developed Poudle, a mantra meditation site. Feel free to check out Ayush’s creations and see if they draw you any benefit.
Disclaimer-KYW is not specifically endorsing these products/sites, nor did we receive any benefit for mentioning them. Explore at your own risk. We just found a pretty cool reprieve from the day and wanted to share with you, our readers.